I bet she wouldn't like it at all. But I could be wrong. She might even be used to it by now! I know the saying goes "Sticks and Stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me". But is that really true? I think hateful words like the one Ann Coulter used in front of a group of people at the Conservative Political Action Committee last Friday are just as hateful as when someone uses the "N"word! To me, being a black man and a gay man, you can imagine that it's like being stabbed twice in the heart.
Yeah, I could rise above it. But that is easier said than done. All my life I've grown up with people calling me names and I try to ignore them and just see them for the ignorant people they are. But Ann is no ignorant person. She is a smart woman and knows that what she says in public will be talked about for weeks to come. True, we can just ignore her, as I've have done in the past, but that doesn't make the sting go away any sooner.
It's bad enough that hip-hop has consistently used the "N" word for years despite the objections of Black civic leaders and celebrities like Bill Cosby. But does that make the "F" word fair game to be said instead? Hell-to-the-NO! I know that what she said was in reference to the Isaiah Washington incident with the cast of "Grey's Anatomy" at the Golden Globe Awards a few months ago, but why rehash it? Somehow I don't think that by bringing it up again is going to stop people from seeing the political incorrectness of using the word. Especially among a group of so-called "civilized" intellectuals!
John Amaechi (my new hero) said it best when he said "Ann Coulter knows better!" True, but I think that EVERYONE should know better! When will we as a society finally stop the name calling? The sooner we as a people start hurling kind words to one another instead of spewing hateful ones, the sooner the world will start to become a more pleasant place to live.
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